Monday, November 30, 2009


These topics say about me In the world, million people live together, but they are all different. So they talk about different side of one thing, and me. I am introducing by my opinion of success, why people go to University? and television. In my opinion hard work is the main thing that defines success, but in most cases luck also plays a very important role. So I think first we I need talk about success. Someone says: when people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. In my opinion, I agree that success need hard work, but sometimes luck is important too. As the old saying: no pains, no gains. Success mainly depends on hard work. When we talk about some famous people, we all think they are respectable, because we know, at the back of their success; there is how much hard work. For example, Tomas Addison, one of the most famous inventors in last century, spent most of his time in his lab. He often loses in his work and forgets his family and even sleeping or eating. But people all of the world respect him and remember he for ever, his endeavor bring people a lot of happiness and convenience. If Addison just sits in his home waiting for luck or magic, never will he succeed.Albert Einstein has said that the genius is 99 percent sweeter plus 1 percent luck. Although luck is secondary, we cannot omit it. In fact, in some extent, luck also plays an important role. Each people must have heard the story of an apple and Newton, the apple is Newton`s luck, it`s the God`s gift. Without that apple, may be Newton must spend more time to think and think. May be in our life, people have this kind of experience. For example, when you are working on a mathematics problem, you try and try but cannot get the answer. May be suddenly sometimes, you will think of something or find way, “aha”, the problem is solved. I would like to state that one`s life is what one makes out of it. Success is never a short instantly achieved path. It needs lots of hard work, determination and blessings. And success is always there for such people. So I would suggest to all the people younger to me to believe that hard work done today shall be paid back to you in near future.Any opinion of only emphasizing on hard work or luck is impartial. Hard work is main factor; luck can accelerate one`s success. So both hard work and luck are important. Finally, how they help your work or university.Nowadays, more and more young people attend the universities for different reasons. According to the survey, the main goal of what most of them do so is for career preparation. I think there are basically two main reasons: One is for a degree, which is important in finding a job; another is for knowledge that we acquire for the better understanding of the whole world and ourselves. To get a degree is a direct aim as well as a result to go to college. No one would be happy with four years hard work without a diploma. In the competitive job market, a degree is a very important factor in finding a good job. Admittedly, a higher degree does not mean that you have a higher capability or have abundant knowledge, it merely means your education background, but which is most employers wanted. Besides, your salary is related with your degree. In general, people possess a college diploma will earn twice or more income than those who just finish their high school. So, if you want to live a better life than the average, you have to attend college.Of course, another important reason, and I think it should be a primary reason for attending college is to acquire knowledge. Since universities are the cradle of many invents and discoveries in science and technology, people attend a university can expand their knowledge about history, society, culture, as well as the latest science development. To pursue knowledge is man`s nature, and to go to a university is a best way to do it. In sum, whether people attend college for career preparation or for their interests in knowledge, the experience in a university or college is important and unforgettable in one`s life. My university give me much knowledge and skills.Television is undoubtedly one of the most powerful means of communication in the history of humankind, rivaled only by such other forms of communication as the Internet, the telephone, movies, and, of course, simple, low-tech speech. Television, with its wide availability and rich media with image and sound, is difficult to ignore and even seductive in its appeal. Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals, work, or school; studies consistently show that the average child spends almost as much time watching television as she does in school. Furthermore, because television is so rich in its media, it often requires our full attention or is more attraction to us than are our daily lives. Naturally, the more time one spends watching television, the less time she has with her family and friends. Thus, we can clearly see why some have claimed that television has been harmful for communication among family and friends. However, I believe that, while television has been somewhat harmful in its effects, it has hardly "destroyed" communication among family and friends for most people, although for some, this may be true.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

An Artful Discovery

In 19th-century Spain the art world was set on its ear by a Spaniard,s chance discovery of what in to become known as the Altamira cave. Physically, the cave measures approximately 270 metres in length, that the vault at its highest point reaches 2.65 metres. the artists chose to paint their collage with bright red, black and violet hues.

Troubled Waters

Arctic Ocean which flows back and forth between Moskenesoya and Masken, two of the logoten lslands off the north-western coast of Norway. the Maelstrom, or Moskenstraumen in Norwegian, which has gulf destaoyed small ships. between the open sea to the west and Vestfjorden to the east, its current attaining a velocity of 7 miles (11km) an hour as the tides change. which is when circle whirlpools are ceated it was the French novel Jules Verne. American poet Edgar Allan Poe, who brought the term maelstrom into common parlance. figure of maerlstron to speak of conflicting feelings,or express turmoil.

Troubled waters

(24)Figure of

An Artful Discovery


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

orchuulga hiih 15 arga

1. Harna
2. Unshina
3.Vg tvvj awaad orchuulj tohiroh utgiina olno.
4.Shine vgnvvdee orchuulna.
5.Ogvvlbereer ni ochuulna.
6. Viliin eznee olno.
7. Gol ba togsgoliin ogvvlberee olno.
8. Text-nhee yronhii utgiina oilgono.
9. Mergejliin vgnvvdiina olno.
10. Snine mergejliin vgnvvdee tvvj bichne.
11.Shine mergejliin vgnvvdee tolinoos harna.
12.Ogvvlberee orchuulaad utga-n shalgana.
13.Orchuulsan mongol ogvvlberee bvgdiin unshina.
14.Aldaatai ogvvlbervvdee dahin ynzlana
15.Dahiad unshina.

Bussines letter

September 20, 2009
Mr. Enkhmaa
SIMULINK Corporation
Dear Mr.Enkhmaa :
I learned of matlabing through online research using the Search database through Services at Virginia Tech where I am completing my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. From my research on your web site, I believe there would be a good fit between my skills and interests and your needs. I am interested in a software engineering position upon completion of my degree in September 2009.As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a software development team where we are writing a computer aided aircraft design program for matlab. My responsibilities include designing, coding, and testing of a graphical portion of the program which requires the use of SIMULINK for graphics input and output. I have a strong background in computer aided design, software development, and engineering, and believe that these skills would benefit the designing and manufacturing aspects of software. Enclosed is my resume which further outlines my qualifications.My qualifications make me well suited to the projects areas in which your division of matlab is expanding efforts. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will contact you in a week or ten days to answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information from me such as a company application form or transcripts. Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Gerelmaa Songino Hairhan district 17th khoroo 30-23-99186201

Orchuulga hiih 15 arga

3.To write to pick content found of words
4.To translate new words
5.To translate unwrap by sentence
6.To find subject
7. Determine introduction, main body and conclusion
8. Understand this text in general
9. Find professional words
10. Writing new and professional words
11. Use dictionary to learn new words and professional words
12. Check the sentence structure in Mongolian
13. Read the translated full sentence in Mongolian
14. If i don’t get in the sentences then receiving assistance to friends
15.Read again

traffic engineering

Traffic Engineering, as it applies to traditional voice networks, is determining the number of trunks necessary to carry a required amount of voice calls during a period of time. There are two different types of connections to be aware of: lines and trunks. Companies use switches to act as concentrators because the number of telephone sets required are usually greater than the number of simultaneous calls that need to be made.
Traffic engineering a voice over X network is a five step process.
This information typically records calls that are offered, but does not provide information on calls that were blocked because all trunks were busy.
Start by separating the traffic into inbound and outbound directions. It’s important to break the traffic by distance because most tariffs are distance sensitive.
The holding time of a call (T) must account for the average time trunk is occupied and must factor in variables other than the length of a conversation. Hold times based on call billing records might have to be adjusted based on the increment of billing. Billing records based on the minute increments overstate calls by 30 seconds on average. In order to provide a “decent level of service, “base traffic engineering on a GoS during the peak or busy hour. Regardless of which method is used, the intent is to use a number that is sufficiently large in order to provide a GoS for busy conditions and not the average hour traffic. The equations traditionally used in telephone engineering are based on the Poisson arrival pattern which is an approximate exponential distribution.
Traffic arrival Characteristics:
Poisson distribution is commonly used for infinite traffic sources. In the three graphs below, the vertical axis shows the probability distribution and the horizontal axis shows the calls, once you have determined the amount of traffic in erlangs that occurs during the busy hour, the next step is to determine the number of trunks required to meet a particular GoS. The number of trunks required will differ depending on the traffic probability assumptions.
Potential Sources
The first assumption is the number of potential sources. There can be a major difference between planning for an infinite versus a small number of sources. The table below compares the amount of traffic the system needs to carry in erlangs to the amount of potential sources offering traffic, assuming that the number of trunks holds constant at 10 for a GoS of 01. The LCC option assumes that once a call is placed and the server is busy or not available, the call disappears from the system. In essence, you give up and do something different.
The LCH option assumes that a call will be in the system for the duration of the hold time, regardless of whether or not the call was placed. In essence, you continue to redial for as long as the hold time before giving up.
The LCD option means that once a call is placed, it remains in a queue until a server is ready to handle it. Then is uses the server for the full holding time. This assumption is most commonly used for automatic call distribution (ACD) systems. Assuming that the lost calls will clear the system tends to understate the number of trunks required: on the other hand, LCH overstates the number.
How the switch handless trunk allocation
As mentioned earlier, the purpose of the third step is to calculate the number of physical trunks required. We have determined the amount of offered traffic during the busy hour. We have talked to the customer so we know the GoS the customer is requesting. Finally, we are comfortable with the basic four assumptions. The only thing left to do is to calculate the number of trunks required by using formulas or tables.


Contact information
Name :Gerelmaa.B
Address:30-23, songino hairhan distrist, Ulaanbaatar
Country: Mongolia
Cell- phone: 99186201
Personal information:
Date of birth: 08/11/1989
Place of birth: Ulaanbaatar country, mongolia
Citizenship: songino hairhan district, Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
High school: 1997 – 2007 81nd school of songino hairhan district
University:Now I’m studying at Information and Telecommunication University.I will be telecommunication engineer.
Professional qualifications:
- use of computer program is excellent
- knowledge of professional experience
- Mongolia (native language)
- English (excellent)
Personal behavior:
- Honesty
- Responsible
- Self
- Innovative ideas
- Read book
- Listen to music
- play chess

Monday, October 19, 2009

Interview questions

1.Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself personalty?
My name is Gerelmaa. I’m honesty and self-confident.

2.What are your greatest strengths?
My greatest strengths is embarrassed.

3.Where do you see yourself five years from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
I imagine for very good engineer in future.

4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ?

5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I involved ’*Tugeemel*education center.

6.What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-activities?
I have learned English grammar.

7.Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
I want to be telecommunication engineer in your career.

8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I try to study our organization. So I decide what do I .

9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
. First of all it is very interesting job. Secondly it is demand job.

10. Can you work under pressure ?
No I can’t.

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
It’s most important on my job.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work with others

13.What are your long-rage goals and objectives?
My long-range goals are I will best engineer.

14.What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My short-range goals are study well, know about professional all things and become speak English well.

15.How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I plan to modern technology so I let go past in our career.

16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ? What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?
I knew about professional things and English language. My job involved communication technology.

17. Why do you want to work for this company?
Because this company organizes many services

18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?
Creative collectives are suited for me. You have to offer work good satisfaction and reasonable salary.

19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
I interested vice engineer. I think I would stay over 8 years with you

20. What salary would you expect for this position?
I would expect salary200$ for this position

Referense letter

Name:Gerelmaa Battseren
Address: 30.23 17 khoroo, songino hairhan district
Phone number:99186201 11685840
City, States: Ulaanbaatar, mongolia I have had the pleasure of knowing Gerelmaa for four years. During the years of our acquaintance. I have known Gerelmaa in many capacities.From my research on your web site, I believe there would be a good fit between my skills and interests and your needs. I am interested in a software engineering position upon completion of my degree in September 2009.As a graduate student, I am one of six members on a software development team where we are writing a computer aided aircraft design program for matlab.Enclosed is my resume which further outlines my qualifications.My qualifications make me well suited to the projects areas in which your division of matlab is expanding efforts. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss a position with you, and will contact you in a week or ten days to answer any questions you may have and to see if you need any other information from me such as a company application form or transcripts.
She is organizational capacity, self-educated, ability to listen, works well under pressure.

Lkhagvasuren teacher


Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer1. First name: Battseren Last name: Gerelmaa
2. Birrthday: 08/11/1989
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Ulaanbaatar
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: ir 99186201
7. Passport number: УБ0832528
8. Home address: 30.23,songino hairhan district
9. Phone number: 11685840
11. Your professional and educationSchool type School name Entered year Graduated year Professional or education high school 82th school 1997 2007 University Information and Communication 2007 2011 Bachelor degree
12. Your family member(only with live)who name age Where is he/she work ? Officail position Phone numberfather Battseren 50 ‘3 r tsahilgaan stants engineer 99206289 mum Shatar 47 huwiaraa88128844 sister Bayarmaa27 brother Altangerel‘HUIS' in student 99190529

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Mobicom company

Hello. My name’s Gerelmaa. I just graduated my university last year. My occupation is degree in business administration and marketing, so I’m very interested to work your company. Important things there are self-development, working pleasant environment and friendly colleagues.Also I can speak in English and Russia and Chinese. Unfortunately not very well. I hope as soon as possible I would improve my languages when I start to work your company.

Thank you


Vacancy for officer

We are providing you following opportunities:

  • Self-development
  • Working pleasant environment and friendly colleagues
  • Competitive salary and bonus system

Manager in Zuunkharaa branch and Officer in Baganuur branch


  • University degree in business administration, marketing, law, economics and techniques
  • Written and spoken ability in English and Russian
  • Fluency in computer application programs
  • Has good relation skills /friendly, tolerable/
  • Is capable to work as a team and independently, has good self-coordination
  • Is honest and responsibly for the work
  • Is interested in working the future uninterruptedly

Required documents:

  • Form (it is available for service center of local Mobicom service centers and applicant in Baganuur branch shall take the form from reception in Mobicom central office.
  • Photocopy (3*4)
  • Family history covering three generations
  • Copy of diploma (is notarized)
  • Copy of national identification card (is notarized)
  • Reference from your previous employer

P.S. Candidates shall submit the documents to the local branches of Mobicom. Only promising candidate will be invited to the interview and submitted documents are nonrefundable.

UB Post СЭТГҮҮЛЧ болон Англи Хэлний Редактор ажилтан шалгаруулж авна. Үүрэг, хариуцлага болон ур чадварын шаардлагыг доор үзүүлэв.

СЭТГҮҮЛЧ: /Зөвхөн Монгол хүнийг шалгаруулж авна./

  • Дараах сэдвүүдийн аль алинаар нийтлэл бичих чадвартай, улс төр, бизнес, эдийн засаг, соёл, аялал жуулчлал болон соёл урлаг
  • Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэртэй нягт хамтран ажиллах, энэ чиглэлийг хөгжүүлэх
  • Чухал мэдээллийг олох, Англи хэлний редакторт өгүүлэл, нийтлэл редакторлахад туслах
  • Чухал шаардлагатай материалыг цуглуулан дизайн, зургийн редакторт хуудаснуудыг эмхлэхэд туслах
  • Ахлах редакторын туслалцаатайгаар бусад сонины хамааралтай даалгавруудыг гүйцэтгэх
  • Сонины захиалгыг нэмэгдүүлэхэд хувь нэмрээ оруулах

Ур чадвар

  • Сэтгүүл зүй болон Мэдээллийн хэрэгслэлийн чиглэлээр их дээд сургууль дүүргэсэн
  • Ворд процессинг, ажлын хүснэгт болон график програм хангамжийн мэдлэг сайтай
  • Электрон мэдээллийн системийн хэрэглээг чадварлаг ашиглах ур чадвартай /Интернет, Веб/
  • Өмнөх ажлын туршлага, улсын болон олон улсын түвшинд интерактив мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл дээр ажиллах чадвартай
  • Англи хэлээр чөлөөтэй ярьж бичдэг
  • Япон болон Испани хэлний мэдлэгтэй бол илүүд тооцогдоно.
  • Бие даан ажиллах чадвартай
  • Уртасгасан цагаар ажиллах боломжтой.

Сэтгүүлзүйн мэргэжилтэй, орчуулгын туршлагатай шалгаруулалтанд оролцогчид илүү оноо авна.

Хэрэв та дээрх ур чадварыг хангаж чадаж байвал 2003 оны 10 сарын 27-ны дотор өөрийн СV/ Resume, өмнөх ажил олгогчоос авсан тодорхойлолт зэргийг өөрийн ажилд орох хүсэлтийн хамт хаяг руу явуулна уу.

Англи хэлний редактор

Үндсэн үүрэг болон хариуцлага

Эхэнд нь 12 сарын гэрээ хийх бөгөөд цаашдаа сунгах боломжтой байна.

  • Монгол сэтгүүлчдийн бичсэн мэдээ, түүх болон өгүүллэгүүдийг редакторлох
  • Шинжилгээ, анализ хийх, мэдээнд зориулсан шаардлагатай мэдээллүүдийг цуглуулж эмхэтгэх чадвартай
  • Эцсийн бэлэн болсон хуудсыг засварлаж хянах
  • Эвлүүлж бэлэн болгох үйл явц дээр зөвлөгөө өгч, туслах
  • Эх хэл нь Монгол хэл бус сайн дурын хүмүүст тэдний бичиж буй материал болон бусад зүйлсэд нь туслалцаа үзүүлэх
  • Веб хуудсан дээр нэмэлт зүйл оруулах, агуулганд нь өндөр анхаарал тавих
  • Бусад сонинтой хамааралтай үйл ажиллагаанд оролцох
  • Илүү цагаар ажиллах ялангуяа 2 дахь өдрүүдэд

Ур чадвар

  • Сэтгүүл зүй болон мэдээллийн хэрэгсэлийн чиглэлээр их дээд сургууль төгссөн
  • Редактороор өмнө нь ажиллаж байсан бол маш сайн
  • Барууны хэв маягийн сэтгүүл зүйг хөгжүүлэх илүү сонирхолтой
  • Монгол сэтгүүлчдийг хянах болон тэдэнд урам өгөхүйц удирдах ур чадвартай
  • Цагийн менежмент сайтай, үүрэг даалгаврыг цаг хугацаанд нь биелүүлдэг
  • Электрон мэдээллийн системийн хэрэглээг чадварлаг ашиглах ур чадвартай /Интернет, Веб/
  • Өмнөх ажлын туршлага, улсын болон олон улсын түвшинд интерактив мэдээллийн хэрэгсэл дээр ажиллах чадвартай
  • Монгол улсын улс төрийн системийг сайн мэддэг
  • Төрийн болон төрийн бус байгууллага, олон улсын байгууллагын албаныхантай бүтээлч гэрээ байгуулах сонирхолтой
  • Монгол хэл сайн мэддэг байх

Хэрэв та дээрх ур чадварыг хангаж чадаж байвал өөрийн СV/ Resume, өмнөх ажил олгогчоос авсан тодорхойлолт зэргийг өөрийн ажилд орох хүсэлтийн хамт хаяг руу явуулна уу.